My nephews were playing outside when the youngest one suddenly called me and my mother to tell us that he saw a dead body lying on the floor. At first, I thought it was a dead snake since his older brother once found one and he didn't specify the species of the said body. But then, he said it was an old woman who seemed to have lost consciousness by the front door of their house so I immediately went outside to check.
There were a few neighbors already gathered there but they were just talking among themselves and weren't really doing anything. There was no sense of urgency at all and it made me want do something, anything, to save the old woman. One lady kept texting someone from her phone, she said she's trying to contact the son of the old woman, but none of the others even thought of calling for an ambulance or the security guards by the gate for help.
We didn't have any contact numbers for hospitals or for the security guards so I ran all the way to the gate instead. It was only then, after I arrived with help, that the old woman was moved from the place where she collapsed and transported to the hospital.
The old woman didn't make it. It made me think that if only the people who found her first got involved, she could have been saved. If only they cared enough, her son wouldn't have come home to an empty house and mourn his loss. This place may be a new subdivision and the people inside don't know each other that well yet but we are still human beings who should give a damn when someone is in need of help.
The town we once lived in was dubbed as one of the most dangerous places in the Philippines but if an incident like this happened there, people would have rushed to aid their neighbor. It just shows that, in spite of the bad reputation, their hearts are in the right place.
I can't even express how sad and disappointed I was about this. I just hope everything will change for the better and that the people in this new neighborhood won't turn into something scarier than a zombie.
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